
Shop front

Decorated to look the face of a dragon, where doors resemble the mouth, two windows resemble eyes and two air voids above windows resemble eyebrows. The sign above entrance door is usually the name of the business, villages where they are from in China and their last names.

Reception Area

The forefront room of the house is where people entertain their guests in the old days, decorated with wooden table, tea set, and pearl decorated sofas and chairs.


This is the void area in the middle of the house with a well for collecting rainwater and washing. The void also allows the sun to shine through and helps ventilate the house.

Dining Room

Situated near the end of the house next to the kitchen and is considered the tail of a dragon.


In the past, normally set right at the back of the house, the cooking stove is made out of concrete for cooking and preparing purposes.


Toilet is at the back of the house resembles the tail of the dragon.


Also called cat eye hole; a small opening drilled through the floor of the protruded second floor to look from upstairs down onto the covered walkway (arcade or Ngor-Ka-Kee) to check out visitors.

Bed room

Normally on the second floor, the bed is made out of four metal poles decorated with laces to protect from bugs, laces were also used for decorating around the room including windows, closet and cradle.